lundi 27 juillet 2009

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Memoir SGH-T929 Samsung And T-Mobile

Memoir Samsung SGH-T929 is no different. This is a state-of-the-art phone that boasts the ability to replace your current full-sized digital camera. From what Samsung has said, it most definitely has enough features to do this, but until you can get your hands on it, it’s very hard to know, in reality, what you can expect. Is this really the futuristic device they say it is?

Is it going to be a phone that can make your coffee for you and set you up with super-models? Or would you be better off trying to make phone calls using a brick? There’s only one way to find out. We’ve had the very rare opportunity to take a look at this exceptional piece of equipment, and tell you guys exactly what to expect when it comes out. Read this review, and then make your own mind up.

The Samsung Memoir, also known as the SGH-t929, is only being released by T-Mobile. The price has not yet been released, but be expected to pay a good fortune if you don’t get it with a contract. T-Mobile is usually pretty good at discounting phones as long as you sign up for a 2-year service plan however, so as long as you like T-Mobile’s service, you should be able to get it at a decent price. Especially if it can replace your phone AND your digital camera, right?